CINEPRO Ultra Koul MHC is a darker gray/blue than the CINEPRO ULTRA KOUL. This is a single element rear projection screen. The darker gray/blue coloration is done to add considerable contrast to the images that are being pro- jected upon it. It is commonly produced in a 1.0 gain and the half gain is 50 degrees. When using a 1:1 lens or even with some of the very wide angle projection lenses, there will be no hot spot. The diffusing emulsion layer is infused into the surface of the substrate and will not peel or delami- nate. The surface is resin re-enforced to prevent handling damage. The opposing side of the screen can be coated with TEC SATIN non-glare hard coat to help eliminate retro reflection and double imaging.
Enables the screen to be used in systems where higher ambient lighting is necessary during the viewing experience such as presentations or public access areas.
No failure due to thermal expansion and contraction
Because the screen is produced using a surface cross linking method, the coating expands and contracts at the same rate as the substrate therefore eliminating shrinking or crazing of the actual screen surface.
Increased contrast levels
Excellent option for multi use applications where corporate data or video will be displayed on the same screen.
Multiple gain selection
ACP produces custom gain levels based on the type of install and lens selection. This way, the end user is provided with the optimal solution for their application
ACRYVIEW – up to 104″ x 216″
CINEFIRE – Up to 130″ X 204″
NOTE: CINECLEAR coatings are NOT available in rolled material